In The Pursuit Of Happiness!
We look before and after And pine for what is not Our sincerest laughter With some pain is fraught Our sweetest songs are those That tell of saddest thought.. Happiness.. such an illusive concept.. We all want it in our lives.. Our definitions or understanding of it may be different.. But we die longing for happiness.. We work for it, we earn for it.. Our every move every action is directed towards achieving something that will make us happy! But the question here is do we really find happiness? Have we ever reached to a point where there is nothing but the pure happiness? In childhood our versions of happiness used to be like having colorful pencils or no homework only TV type situations, then as we grew older we thought more marks in the exam means happiness, then having a good job, own house, nice car.. the list continues! Happiness is tied up with our needs. Maslow, the famo...